Tenmars TM-93 Radiation / RF strength Meter



  • 2.4” 240*320 resolution color TFT,4 digital maximum display 3999.
  • Radiation dose rate unit: µSv/h or µRem/h。
  • Radiation dose unit:µsv or µRem。
  • RF Strength unit: Wave power density (uW/m² / mW/m²), wave power density (μW/cm²), electric field strength (mV/m / V/m), magnetic field strength (mA/m),power strength (dBm) five options.
  • Radiation dose and RF strength bar graph display.
  • Radiation dose and RF strength historical figure display:
  • 20-set display


  • Radiation dose rate measurement.。
  • CPS/CPM : Geiger Counter count per second (CPS) or count per minute(CPM).
  • RF strength measurement。
  • Languages : English; Traditional Chinese; Simplified Chinese; Japanese; Español.
  • Radiation dose rate alarm setting。
  • RF strength warning range settings.
  • Radiation dose rate audible alert measurement。
  • Calibration factor。



  • Dimensions:115x60x31mm(length x width x height).
  • Weight: Approximately 170 grams.

Radiation Dose Rate and Dose

Sample rate : 1 time/10 seconds or 1 time/40 seconds

Radiation sensor: geiger-mueller tube

Measurement Range: 0.05µSv/h~1400µSv/h | 5.00µRem/h~140mµRem

Resolution ; 0.01µSv/h | 0.01µRem/h

Accuracy: ±15% Cesium-137

Gamma energy range : 10KeV~1.25 MeV

X-rays energy range: 3KeV~3.0 MeV

β-beta energy range: 25KeV~3.5 MeV

CPM: 0~1999

CPS: 0~212

Dose logger interval ; 1~999 days

RF Strength

Sample rate: 1 times/10 seconds

RF sensor: Single axis sensor

Measurement Range: 0.1 ~ 14.0 V/m

Accuracy: ±2dB at 2.45GHz

Frequency Range: 50MHz to 3.5GHz


(0.02uW/m² to 484.6uW/m²)

(0.01uW/cm² to 45.3uW/cm²)

(36.1mV/m to13.90V/m)

(0.01mA/m to 30.01mA/m)

(-46dBm to 16dBm)

Resolution:  0.01µW/m²,0.01µW/cm², |  0.2mV/m,0.02mA/m, 2dB

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