LABINCO LF 615 Ductless Fume Hood | Lemari Asam


Specifications; 230V 50/60HZ 1 posi�on 75 Wa� / 2 posi�on 150 Wa� / 3 posi�on 225 Wa�.

LF 66 60 x 80 x 125 cm (Width x depth x height) one module Kg
LF 69 90 x 80 x 125 cm (Width x depth x height) one module Kg
LF 612 120 x 80 x 125 cm (Width x depth x height) two modules Kg
LF 615 150 x 80 x 125 cm (Width x depth x height) three modules Kg
LF 620 HEPA filter
LF 621 CARBON filter
Trolly (LF 661 for LF 66) (LF 691 for LF 69) (LF 6121 for LF 612) (LF 6151 for LF 615)
LF 630 Adapter if you’re using two filters on one module.


NF X 15-211 French norm (September 1996): NF X 15-211 French norm is the most demanding
regula�on today. It guarantees to the user a full safety allowing him to focus on his manipula�ons.
Enclosures for toxic LABINCO using recircula�ng air filtra�on are classified according to 2 security
Enclosures LABINCO using recircula�ng air filtra�on belongs to the class 2 enclosure without safety
reserve, the most common.
To be in accordance with this standard, fume hoods filtra�on LABINCO have to meet mul�ple criteria
- the enclosure must be provided with a ven�la�on device to maintain the air speed with a rate
between 0,4 m/s and 0,6 m/s.
- rejec�on, downstream the filter, of 50% of the VME (mean value of exhibi�on) of toxics treated in
the enclosure in the dura�on of normal filter use.
- the enclosure must have been tested by an approved and independent laboratory.
- the class 2 enclosures have to allow to treat products having a VME index superior or equal to 10
- the class 2 enclosures have to be equipped with a sound or visual alarm ac�vated every working 60
hours and also a sampling outlet device.
- the class 2 enclosures must not reject more than 50% of the VME downstream the filter during the
detec�on test.
LABINCO fume hoods are controlled according to quality process and procedures CE at the end of
the assembly line and before their shipping to the user in order to assure a perfect func�oning and

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