LABINCO LF 69 Ductless Fume Hood | Lemari Asam



NF X 15-211 French norm (September 1996): NF X 15-211 French norm is the most demanding
regula�on today. It guarantees to the user a full safety allowing him to focus on his manipula�ons.
Enclosures for toxic LABINCO using recircula�ng air filtra�on are classified according to 2 security
Enclosures LABINCO using recircula�ng air filtra�on belongs to the class 2 enclosure without safety
reserve, the most common.
To be in accordance with this standard, fume hoods filtra�on LABINCO have to meet mul�ple criteria
- the enclosure must be provided with a ven�la�on device to maintain the air speed with a rate
between 0,4 m/s and 0,6 m/s.
- rejec�on, downstream the filter, of 50% of the VME (mean value of exhibi�on) of toxics treated in
the enclosure in the dura�on of normal filter use.
- the enclosure must have been tested by an approved and independent laboratory.
- the class 2 enclosures have to allow to treat products having a VME index superior or equal to 10
- the class 2 enclosures have to be equipped with a sound or visual alarm ac�vated every working 60
hours and also a sampling outlet device.
- the class 2 enclosures must not reject more than 50% of the VME downstream the filter during the
detec�on test.
LABINCO fume hoods are controlled according to quality process and procedures CE at the end of
the assembly line and before their shipping to the user in order to assure a perfect func�oning and
The user is responsible for regular checking of the filters and
replacement is recommended at least once a year

LABINCO LF 66/69/612/615 DUCTLESS FUME HOODSFILTRATION MODULES (manufactured in the Netherlands)

*4 models with working widths of 60/90/120/150 cm and 1 / 2 or 3 modules.
*Standard equipped with socket and lighting.
*Very strong housing and 6 millimeter thick clear panels.
*Adjustable speed and anemometer for flow measurement.
*Melamine worktop with collecting tank on request
*HEPA filter on request
*CARBON filter on request.
*Trolly on request.
*You can choose on the next

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