Moisture Analyzer Radwag MA 110.R


Direct access to information

It is possible to access functions and databases directly, using keyboard soft keys.

  • Database – access to databases
  • Function – access to basic functions
  • F1 and F2 – programmable function keys and menu navigation keys
  • Reports – access to database of drying process reports
  • Profile – access to parameters settings
  • Sample – access to products database

Moisture Analyzer | Moisture Balance

Merk: Radwag - Poland

Model : MA110.R

Capacity: 110g

Readability: 0.001g

Moisture readout accuracy: 0.001%

Drying temeprature range: max. 160° C

Drying method: 4 drying profiles (standard, fast, step, mild)

Finish mode: 4 modes (automatic, manual, time-defined, user-defined)

Additional functions: sample traceability

Maximum sample height: 20 mm

Weighing pan size: Ø 90 mm, h= 8 mm

Drying mode: 4 drying modes (standard, quick, step, mild)

LCD display: LCD (backlit)

Interface: 1 × RS 232, USB-A, USB-B, Wireless Connection (option)

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